Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lots of Work Tuesday.

Today has been a really good day! I have completed a series of background shots that are for scene 4.
This morning Jack showed me a few ideas for when the tree grows. It is coming a lot nicely!

I completed the background for sh2abc. This is when Edgar walks out of his house and walks towards the camera with the seed in  hand.

I then worked on sh4, this is when Edgar places the seed on the ground.

When Jack was free i asked him if he could help me with creating a book that has a page turn. The bulk pages that i had made were not so good and so Jack showed me a different way to make them. He used the Create Polygon Tool, it looks a lot nicer now! He added some funky shapes to the ends so they look like piled paper.
Jack also helped me with the page turn. I was a bit worried about the texture going onto it but Jack had said that it will be fine and that the same texture will go on both sides. This is fine be me.

We had a few problems with the page turn as the one that Sean found was too flat and the book that i have has a rounded beginning. So Jack showed me how to make a different type of page turn by using a top and bottom row of Joints.

After I got home I decided to make the textures for the cover of the book. I also then duplicated the book so that i have one with a page turn and the other as Edgar's work book.

I added both of my new backgrounds into my running comp so now they are up to date. 

I was looking through my storyboards and I have decided to cut out the shot of when Edgar closes the book and the title is "when we still had trees" The only reason i had that shot in was so that the audience will understand that there are no more trees BUT this shot was for when I didn't have scene one organised. So now the shot will be:
Edgar turns the page and sees the picture of a beautiful tree. He smooths his hand over the picture and says "Beautiful". A slow zoom in and then fade to black. 
I think it is a lot better this way. 

By the way I made this other list a few days a go... yeahhhh i make a lot of lists
and I planned out every single detail that i had left to do. So I planned it out by scenes.


Scene One - 

Scene Two- 
  • Model writing book
                      *Textures - 
                                      1. Book cover
                                      2. Circle & question mark (sc2,sh2)
  • Model note book
                        * Page Turn
                        * Textures -
                                         1. Book cover
                                         2. Open page left
                                         3. Open page right
                                         4. Turn page left
                                         5. Turn page right

- Sc2,Sh4d ends with Fade to Black.- Transition 

Scene Three-
  • Writing Book Texture - 3. Hourglass test #6 (sc3,sh2)
- Sc3,Sh11b ends with Fade to Black- Transition 

Scene Four -
  • Sc4,Sh1a - Dark/shadow when door is closed.
  • Sc4,Sh2abc- House behind with ground.
  • Sc4,Sh3- Side shot of outside city.
  • Sc4,Sh4abcde- Ground piece for seed.
  • Sc4,Sh5,6,7,8,9ab-Blurred front shot of city in background.
-Sc4,Sh9b ends with Fade to Black- Transition 

The work that I need from Jack are:
1. Mechanical Seed
2. Hourglass
3. Mechanical Tree
4. One Mechanical Flower that opens (sc4,sh9ab)
And I will need to talk to Jack about:
1. Animating Edgar
2. Adding a shadow layer to the 3D set (background)
3. Rendering

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