Sunday, October 14, 2012

It works.

Okay just a quick blog about my weekend so you know what i am up too and blahhh.
So Thursday to Sunday have been completely all over the place for me as i have had so much stuff on and it lead to changing my days/hours at work. IN OTHER WORDS...... I haven't done much work. Which sucks big monkey balls!

I planned to have a lot of work done by Monday, which is tomorrow!!!! And right now i have been up for 16 hours... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

In my last blog i said i had some problems with the page texture looking really bad, well it was because there just wasn't enough polygons and so i think i just wasn't thinking at the time when i had no idea what to do. Anyway I got some help from Tai with his magical two blade hair.

oKAY SO WITH THE PAGE i realised that a few of the UV's were not together so i merged and sewed and now they are fully sick.

I found a nice 'hand writing' looking font on Friday and so i am using that for the pages and I also found a texture that i like and i have just been adding extra age to it in Photoshop. So now ONE page out of SIX is finished... ha ha ha.

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