Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day Ten, 03/10.

Today seemed to go super fast. First its 9am nek minnit its 4pm and then nek minnit its 11pm!!!
I thought i would of had more work done today but this is what I have done so far.

I set up the master camera in 3D for scene 2 &3, this took me some time as i had to remember how to set up the cameras. Its a little annoying as you have to go back and forth between the master camera and the actual shot camera. I then did a playblast so i could have something low quality to use.

I haven't updated my running comp so i wanted to get it done today! BUT i only have scene 2&3 done and not scene 4 so im sorry and i hopefully can get it done tomorrow!

This is what i have done today... this also took some time to do and also i know that some shots drag out for too long and the test animation has different sizing. I will fix that later.

Master camera is crossed off the list.

Last things to do list.

3D (modeling & textures)
- Things on wall
* textures for things on wall.

- Books on desk
* textures for books

- combined all objects

- Model writing book
*texture for writing book

- Model open/close/page turn book
*texture for book

(-Master camera set up)


- Side shot of outside.

Tomorrow i will be going into Uni with Jarrod and Sean to work in the animation cupboard. 

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