Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day Six, 29/09.

I stayed home on a Saturday night and did some work.

I completed the textures for the drawers.

I also completed the textures for the books.

I actually got a comment on one of my posts and it was from Darren!! He had said that it would be good to add in the extra books and things on the walls. So I didn't over do it with the adding of more books, just enough so it doesn't look to organised.

So a bit more books on top of the drawers and a bit more on the floor. I need to actually fix the ones on the floor as they look still too neat. So I will fix that later on. 

I have also started to make some frame thingys for the walls. Not too sure if i like them, might need to test some more. I think it is the thickness of them. 

And finally! I have been testing the textures for the books on the desk... not too sure if everyone knows but i am putting that the books were written by my fellow classmates. So i was testing the way it looks and Nils' book was the first one. 

Still have some tweaking to do but you get the idea of how i want it to look.
I have work all day tomorrow and I am usually really tired when i get home so i don't know if I will be getting  any work done. I shall try. 

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