Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Holidays Day Three. 04/04/12

So today i completed my shot list. I have ALOT of shots! But i only have so many because one shot has many actions so im just showing it in there own shot. I have only done my shot list from scene two till the end. I still need to figure out the first scene!!

So really my shot list is only half done the rest is in scene one.
I also went through my script breakdown and made sure i didnt forget anything. so it seems to be good.

I'm not sure if i am to start working on my storyboards as only Neale has looked at them while i was still doing my roughts. I think i will wait till we get back to uni to show Neale the updated thumbnails so that he can talk me through if i need changing or anything else.

For tomorrow i will work on my Character Design. As i have said to my teachers i can't see my characters face so i never showed his face in my thumbnails or just showed his face ever in my animation. From the help of Darren drawing a character with a face, which looks amazing, im hoping to get the same effect in my own drawing. I would like mine to look like Darrens character.

The only thing is I dont have any face views of my character in my animation. The only thing that could show his face in my animation is when he picks up the hourglass and looks at it. so we see his reflection in the hourglass. Jack came up with that idea and i really like it but couldnt use it because i couldnt see his face. So maybe that will change tomorrow.
That means i would need to change thumbnails and other things. I guess i just have to wait and see.


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    1. Thank you so much! I just want to know how did you come across my blog?
